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  • Registrant : atachikawa
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2022/11/06
  • Published : 2022/11/06
  • Changed :2022/11/06
  • Total View : 374 persons
2022/11/12 / HI / School / Seminar



My name is Ayumi, and I support students who are aiming for American universities. Next month, I will be speaking about American College Admission ・ Essay Preparation at an online seminar hosted by Kurashi Ouen Network. If you are interested, please join us !

[Contents] College Admission ・ Essay Consultant with experience working in Admissions Office will explain the application ・ process, essay, and preparation you can do for each high school year.
[Instructor] Aiyumi Tachikawa Inessence Education&Career (
[Date] November 12 (Sat)
[Time] 7:00pm (CST) - 8:00pm ( CST) *Hours may vary depending on your location.
[Participation fee] Free
[Delivery medium] ZOOM
[How to participate] Pre-registration is required.
[Sponsor] Kurashi Ouen Network

Venue オンライン
Address HI
Date 2022/11/12
Time 19:00 minute(s) - 20:00 minute(s)
Time detail ※上記の時間は中部標準時です。お住まいの地域により開催時間は異なります。
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